Reactive Cholera Immunisation Could Save Lives - 20 Feb 2012
Reactive Cholera Immunisation Could Save Lives - 20 Feb 2012.
[['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]]
PHILADELPHIA - Vaccinating populations after an outbreak of cholera has already begun could be a powerful way of controlling the growth of an epidemic according to scientists reporting to the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene here. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine MSc graduate Rita Reyburn - who’s been researching epidemics in Zimbabwe, Zanzibar and Calcutta with the International Vaccine Institute of Korea and working with Lorenz von Seidlein from the Menzies School of Health Research, Casuarina, Australia - told Peter Goodwin about their calculations which have validated the later use of vaccination to protect those who haven’t already been infected.
Item Type | ['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined] |
Contributors | Reyburn, R; Goodwin, P |
Official URL | |
audio_file - reactive-cholera-immunisation.mp3
subject - Published Version
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