Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of essential oil from seeds and aerial parts of Ferulago angulata (Schlecht.) Boiss gathered in Nevakoh and Shahoo, Zagross mountain, West of Iran.
The essential oil from seeds and aerial parts of Ferulago angulata (schlecht.) Boiss growing in Nevakoh and Shahoo mountains, West of Iran was studied by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry constituents were. The major components of seeds gathered in Nevakoh and shahoo were, respectively 24 and 26 constituents and found to be cis-ocimene (64.8 and 76.11%), alpha-pinene (15.4 and 7.29%), gamma-terpinene (5.9 and 2.88%), rho-cymene (4.1 and 1.4%), myrcene (1.9 and 1.05%) and bornyl acetate (0.9 and 1.69%). The major components of aerial parts gathered in Nevakoh and shahoo were respectively, 34 and 30 constituents and found to be alpha-pinene (27.1 and, 25.7%), cis-ocimene (22.6 and, 27.9%), bornyl acetate (8.5 and 3.9%), germacrene D (6.5 and 22.3%), trans-verbenol (5.8 and 0%), myrcene (5.2 and 2%), beta-bourbonene (2.7 and 0%), p-mentah-1, 5-dien-8-ol (1.9 and 0%), sabinene (1.5 and 2.1%), linalool (1.5 and 0%), metyl eugenol (1.3 and 0%), bicyclogermacrene (1.3 and 0%) and alpha-terpineol (1.2 and 0%), 3-carene (0 and 1.9%), camphene (0 and 1.6%), gamma-element (0 and 1.1%) and beta-cubenone (0 and 1%).The major components which were common in both seeds and leaves and found to be, bornyl acetate, myrcene and trans-ocimene. The major components which were only found in aerial parts were germacreneD, beta-bourbonene, camphene, sabinene and linalool. The major components which only were found in seeds: gamma-terpinene and rho-cymene.
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