Analysis of Incomplete Durations with Application to Contraceptive Use
<jats:title>Summary</jats:title> <jats:p>Models for analysing incomplete durations obtained from cross-sectional surveys are presented. The aim of the paper is to develop a framework for analysing the incomplete duration of episodes in progress at the time of the survey by formulating generalized linear models and fitting and assessing them by using standard statistical packages. The maximum quasi-likelihood method is used for model fitting. The choice of the distribution and the diagnostic procedures are discussed. Simulated data from two distributions (the Weibull and log-logistic distributions) are used to evaluate the methodology developed and to assess model misspecifications. A data set on the current use of the contraceptive pill from a cross-sectional survey in Egypt is analysed.</jats:p>
Item Type | Article |
Keywords | contraceptive use, incomplete duration, log-linear models, log-, logistic distribution, quasi-likelihood, Weibull distribution, Regression |
ISI | 171693900008 |