Lambeth LGBT matters: the needs and experiences of lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans men and women in Lambeth
Duration: July 2005 - October 2006
The London Borough of Lambeth (LBL) has large and diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and Trans (LGBT) communities. The Borough also has a large social and commercial LGBT scene. LBL is committed to countering racism, homophobia and discrimination and they have made progress in respect of race and ethnicity. However, their equalities record on LGBT communities is more patchy. The main reason appears to be a lack of information about the social care needs of LGBT residents and their experiences of discrimination and violence.
This research investigated the social care needs of Lambeth LGBT people as well as their experiences of stigma, discrimination and victimisation. It also analysed the experiences of LGBT staff at the Council and assessed Lambeth’s equality policy and procedures in relation to the needs of LGBT residents and staff. The study used a range of methods including a large-scale survey of LGBT people who live, work, study or socialise in the Lambeth; focus groups with Lambeth residents and Council staff; and analysis of Lambeth’s policy and procedures through document reviews and stakeholder interviews.
The final report is available in a long and a short version.
The long version is 130 pages. It is aimed at Local Authority staff and those interested in assessing the capacity of statutory agencies to meet the needs of LGBT people. It contains detailed background information and literature reviews, the results of the survey and focus groups with LGBT people in Lambeth, full findings on the experiences of LGBT staff at Lambeth Council, and detailed analyses of Lambeth’s policies and procedures (corporate equalities, consultation, monitoring, procurement and human resources). It also includes detailed recommendations for all of these areas.
The short version is 48 pages. It is aimed at those who want to know more about the experiences and needs of LGBT populations and communities generally. It contains an edited background and literature review, the full findings on the experiences of LGBT people in Lambeth (survey, interviews and focus groups) and recommendations based on these findings.
London Borough of Lambeth are using this research to ensure that the practices and policies of Council staff and service providers reflect the experiences of LGBT people and to safeguard their LGBT staff from homophobic abuse or discrimination at work. They intend to draft a response to the report and a comprehensive work-plan around LGBT equality and need.
Item Type | Monograph (Project Report) |
Official URL | |