Neonatal Ventilation With Inhaled Nitric Oxide Versus Ventilatory Support Without Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Preterm Infants With Severe Respiratory Failure: the INNOVO multicentre randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN 17821339).
BACKGROUND: Although inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) may be a promising treatment for newborn infants with severe respiratory failure, the results from 3 previous small trials were inconclusive. METHODS: Infants of <34 weeks' gestation, <28 days old, and with severe respiratory failure requiring ventilatory support were randomized to receive or not receive iNO. The study was not blinded. FINDINGS: Recruited were 108 infants (55 allocated to receive iNO and 53 not allocated to receive iNO) from 15 neonatal units in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Fifty-nine percent (64 of 108) died, and 84% of the survivors (37 of 44) had signs of some impairment or disability, 9 (20%) of them classified as severely disabled. There was no evidence of an effect of iNO on the primary outcomes: death or severe disability at 1 year corrected age (relative risk [RR]: 0.99; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.76 to 1.29); death or supplemental oxygen on expected date of delivery (RR: 0.84; 95% CI: 0.68 to 1.02); or death or supplemental oxygen at 36 weeks' postmenstrual age (RR: 0.98; 95% CI: 0.87 to 1.12). There was a trend for infants allocated to the iNO group to spend more time on the ventilator (log rank: 3.6), on supplemental oxygen (log rank: 1.4), and in hospital (log rank: 3.5) than those allocated to receive no iNO. This pattern predominantly reflected the infants who died. Mean total costs at 1 year corrected age were significantly higher in the iNO group, partly because of the costs of the gas but mainly because of the difference in initial hospitalization costs. INTERPRETATION: Evidence of prolongation of intensive care and increased costs of such care, without clear beneficial effects, implies that iNO cannot be recommended for preterm infants with severe hypoxic respiratory failure.