Need, demand and missed opportunities for integrated reproductive health-HIV care in Kenya and Swaziland: evidence from household surveys.
OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the need and demand for integrated reproductive health and HIV services at the population level. DESIGN: Descriptive data analysis of household surveys collected by the Integra Initiative. METHODS: Household surveys were conducted among 18-49-year-olds in Kenya (N = 1752) and Swaziland (N = 779) in 2009. Data on fertility intentions, contraceptive use, sexual behaviours and HIV testing were used to determine unmet needs. Demand for integrated services was defined as wanting reproductive health services with HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) services within one visit. RESULTS: At the population level, family planning needs (90%) were higher than HIV/STI prevention needs: 53% (women) and 75% (men). Fewer had unmet family planning needs through non-use of contraceptives: 17% (women) and 27% (men); versus unmet HIV/STI prevention needs through inconsistent condom use: 48 and 26% of women; 51 and 32% of men in Kenya and Swaziland, respectively. Dual need was higher for men: 64% (Kenya) and 73% (Swaziland) versus women (48%) with more unmet in Kenya (43%) compared to Swaziland (25%). Missed opportunities for integrated service provision were high among women: 49 and 57% with unmet family planning needs; and 55 and 32% with unmet HIV/STI prevention needs in Kenya and Swaziland, respectively, used services, but did not receive the needed service. Most men with unmet needs were non-service users. Approximately a quarter of women wanted and received integrated reproductive health-HIV/STI services in both countries. CONCLUSIONS: Demand creation at the community level and provider-initiated integrated service provision are needed, using different strategies for men and women, to address substantial family planning and HIV/STI prevention needs.